Dead By Daylight Hidden Achievements - What Are They? How To Unlock Them? (2025)

Dead By Daylight Hidden Achievements - What Are They? How To Unlock Them? (1)

Dead by Daylight Hidden Achievements – How to unlock all the hidden/secret achievements and trophies in DBD with tips & suggestions

Full List of Hidden Achievements in DBD

There are six total hidden achievements in Dead By Daylight:

  • Agonising Escape: Crawl your way out of theExit Gates or into theHatch.
  • Blood in Your Mouth: Kill25Survivors total.
  • Blood on Your Face: KillallSurvivors in a single Trial (match).
  • Blood on Your Hands: Kill your first Survivor.
  • Backdoor Escape: Escape from a Trial through theHatch.
  • The Key to Escape: Escape through theHatchusing aKey.

Continue reading to find out how to unlock each of these hidden achievements!

Dead by Daylight Hidden Achievement – Agonising Escape

  • Agonising Escape: Crawl your way out of theExit Gates or into theHatch.

By FAR, the easiest way to do this is to: play completely normal. Repair all five generators that you need for escape as the Survivor. Then, open the exit gate and wait for the Killer to come for you. Just wait for as long as you can. The Killer won't be interested if he is busy with others. But after some time, he will be annoyed that the match is not yet over, and he will attempt to chase you out of the game. Stand exactly on the line where the map ends and wait for him to down you. He will be stuck in a “successful hit” animation, and you will be free to cross the invisible line of the edge of the map. At that point, he can't do anything to you.

Alternatively: You could try to do the same with the Hatch. But it's risky! If you don't stand in the exact right spot, the Killer can quickly close the Hatch and then down you and hook you. But if you can body block it just right, it's possible to abuse the hit animation again to crawl through the Hatch.

Dead by Daylight Hidden Achievement –Backdoor Escape

  • Backdoor Escape: Escape from a Trial through theHatch.

This one is kinda hard to “force” but it will happen to you naturally when you just play the game. The Hatch spawns when you are the last Survivor standing and it opens automatically. At that point, it's a race between you and the Killer who can close it. Keep your ear to the ground. Open Hatch emits a sound unlike anything else in the game with quite an impressive range. Spawn location is completely random unless you bring an offering that spawns the hatch either in the “main building” or the “killer shack”. Locations of which are different for each map.

Tip: Try to combine getting this achievement with the one below for maximum productivity!

Dead by Daylight Hidden Achievement –The Key to Escape

  • The Key to Escape: Escape through theHatchusing aKey.

Again, you must be the last person standing in a given game for the Hatch to spawn. You also must bring in the Skeleton Key or the Dull Key. Or you might find them in chests around the map, but it's a rare drop. Beware that Broken Key can't open the hatch!

When the Hatch spawns and you have a key in hand, it's time to roll. Find the hatch in the environment by sound. Then, when you find it, do not go in! Instead, hide nearby out of sight and wait for the Killer to come around and close it. Only then can you use the key. Wait for the Killer to leave and use the Key on the locked Hatch. It takes 2.5 seconds to do so, so make sure the Killer is away.

Dead by Daylight Hidden Achievements –Blood in Your Mouth; Blood on Your Face; Blood on Your Hands

  • Blood in Your Mouth: Kill25Survivors
  • Blood on Your Face: KillallSurvivors in a single Trial
  • Blood on Your Hands: Kill your first Survivor

For Blood in Your Mouth and Blood on Your Hands, the task is very simple. You can do these achievements across hundreds or thousands of games. Do note that sacrificing Survivors to the Entetiy via hooking them is not considered “killing” them. You must kill them by your own hand.

That can be done by using one of the following items:

  • Memento Mori offerings – The Ebony Memento Mori is best for this. It allows you to kill anyone who has already progressed two Hook Stages.
  • Hex: Devour Hopestacked up to5Tokens – This is almost impossible to achieve. Survivors will react VERY QUICKLY as soon as they get 3 Tokens of Devour Hope and start downing people with basic attacks.
  • Rancor – Lets you kill the Obsession when the Exit Gates are powered (i.e: all the gens are repaired).
  • Judith's Tombstone orTombstone Piecewhile playing TheShape – By FAR the best option for quick killing sprees.
  • Reverse Bear Trapability of ThePig – This Kills one Survivor every few games, so it's not terrible. It can be combined with Mori/Devour Hope to score a kill every now and then.
  • TheExecutioner'sability Final Judgement – This is essentially a free mori if you fulfill the pretty simple requirement. Given that the Executioner is a very high-tier Killer, you might want to grab this one out of the 3 DLC Killers listed here. The Shape comes in second.

That being said, Blood on Your Face is WAYYYY harder to do than any of the above. You may complete the two other kill achievements while trying to get this one. At the same time, you can complete this challenge with any Killer thanks to Ebony Mori. Doing so is quite hard.

To make this process as easy as it could possibly be, I recommend you grab the Halloween Chapter DLC with Laurie Strode and Michael Myers. Then use Judith's Tombstone Add-on to The Shapes power, combined with the Fragrant Tuft of Hair Add-on. This allows you to have unlimited Tier III with Myers while also having the ability to kill anyone you grab immediately. No matter how many hook stages he or she has left.

Tip: Consider using Play with Your Food Perk of The Shape to counteract the movement speed debuff that using Judith's Tombstone gives you. Also, the Tombstone and the Tuft of Hair are iridescent add-ons, which are the rarest addons in the blood web. Strongly consider using the “Black Ward” offering to keep them from being consumed after the game.

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Dead By Daylight Hidden Achievements - What Are They? How To Unlock Them? (2025)


What are DBD hidden achievements? ›

The wiki lists 6 Hidden achievements - Agonising Escape, Backdoor Escape, Blood in your mouth, Blood on your Face, Blood on your hands and The key to escape.

What is the legendary killer achievement in DBD? ›

This achievement requires players to hit Iridescent I in the Killer ranks. Legendary Killer is slighter more difficult to achieve than Legendary Survivor, as the player is solely responsible for their victories, with no teammates to carry them.

How do you get the key to escape achievement in DBD? ›

How it's done: Have a Killer and Survivor player, make sure the Survivor is the last in the match with access to the Hatch. Survivor attempts a Hatch Escape only for the Killer to grab them three times. The Survivor may now leave at any time and the achievement should pop.

What are hidden achievements? ›

Hidden Achievements are a special set of achievements that are normally not visible to the player. These achievements only become visible if the specified requirements are met.

What happens at level 100 DBD? ›

Going from Prestige 99 to Prestige 100 will immediately spawn a Level 50 Bloodweb that infinitely renews itself whenever all of its Nodes are purchased, allowing Players to continue supplying that Character with new Unlockables. There is no possibility to reach a higher Prestige Level.

Who is the hardest killer to use in DBD? ›

Very Hard Killers
  • Sally Smithson.
  • Pyramid Head.
  • Lisa Sherwood.
  • Charlotte & Victor Deshayes.

What is the easiest killer to win with in DBD? ›

While Wesker might not be the best killer for a beginner, there are plenty of good options for new players to choose from!
  • 8 The Trickster. ...
  • 7 The Huntress. ...
  • 6 Legion. ...
  • 5 The Doctor. ...
  • 4 The Pig — Amanda Young. ...
  • 3 The Hillbilly. ...
  • 2 The Shape — Michael Myers. ...
  • 1 The Wraith.

Who is the oldest killer in DBD? ›

Obviously, Adiris is the oldest Killer in the game. Babylon existed during 2300-539 BC. There are no clear indicators as to where in this timeframe she falls under (in fact, the gods mentioned in The Maiden Guard don't appear to even be actual Babylonian deities).

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Interact with the terminal inside to hack it and use the directional buttons to enter the code: Left, Down, Up, Right. This will open the door to MU/TH/UR 6000 – called "Mother" by the crew – the Nostromo's navigational computer and a notable location from the first film.

Can you escape the hook in DBD? ›

There is still a chance of escape once hung from a hook. Either by enduring excruciating pain as you twist and turn to attempt to escape with a shoulder in pieces, or sometimes you might even get help from others that also reside within this nightmare.

What is the broken key used for in Dead by Daylight? ›

The Broken Key's power cannot be triggered by itself. Various objects can be attached to its jump ring, which channels the Key's power into various effects. Press the Use Item button to trigger the Mind Channel ability for up to 10 seconds.

What is undetectable in DBD? ›

Undetectable is that you also have no Red Stain, nor can survivors see your aura with perks or addons. The effect of Undetectable is highlighted has black miasma surrounding the screen.

Do hidden games show achievements? ›

Setting a game as Private on Steam makes it seem as if you don't own it. It won't appear on your profile's game list or recently played section. It won't change your status to "In Game", display your achievements on the activity feed, or show you as a friend who owns the game in the store.

What perk lets you fully recover DBD? ›

If playing against The Nightmare, Unbreakable will wake you from the Dream World upon full Self-Recovery. Past battles have taught you a thing or two about survival. Grants the ability to fully recover from the Dying State once per Trial.

Are there ultra rare perks in DBD? ›

Ultra Rare Rarity

Ultra Rare Cosmetic options were generally those that were originally only available via a Code that had to be redeemed through Steam. However, they now include Cosmetic Sets that alter a Character's entire model. With the exception of Perks, this Rarity is found in all Unlockables.

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