NACCAP 2010 - Email Marketing for Admissions - [PDF Document] (2024)

NACCAP 2010 - Email Marketing for Admissions - [PDF Document] (1)

Email Marketingfor Admissions:

It’s not dead, it’s just different.

Kevin Corr, Director of Sales

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More optionsMore choicesMore money

More infoMore clutterMore speed


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Is email dead?

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Nope.But it has changed.

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Mom & Dad

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Do they read email anymore?

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Social technologies like text messaging relegated to friends.

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“Remember, you’re not

their friend.”

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“Communicate with Old Folks”

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Email has aged well (believe it or not)

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Is it still cool?

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"Sure. It's just not the same way it was when it was the shiny new toy

that every marketer was scrambling to implement as the

1990s faded away."

-- Wendy Roth, iMedia Connection

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Email has evolved...

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“Email is once again all about the conversation”

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"Email began as a one-to-one medium."

"But marketers quickly recognized its value as a one-to-many model and began treating email messages as if

they were electronic catalogs and sales circulars."

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“These days, the most effective approach is a one-

to-some model”

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More messages Smaller groups

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The next level

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1. Markets are conversations.

2. Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors.

3. Conversations among human beings sound human.

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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is helping to

make messages much more targeted and personalized.

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Stop talking at me like you don’t know

who I am!

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“If you haven’t already” “applied”


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“Email today is about each individual recipient -- how to gain and retain

their trust, send them messages they find more valuable, and market to them where they are, regardless of browser, platform or device. Email isn't just about email anymore."

-- Wendy Roth, iMedia Connection

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Try and provide value to the student at their

current stage -- rather than just trying to push

them through to the next.

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Marketing may be collective, but buying is

personal.The Cluetrain Manifesto

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“Not only is marketing no longer one-way, it’s not even two-way. It’s a conversation

between you, me and everyone I’m talking to about what we’re

talking about.”

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Email also remains the best way to communicate with working adults looking at part-time graduate and

undergraduate programs.

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They say you need to definitively answer your readers' three

biggest questions or risk losing them:

Alex Madison and Lisa Harmon, Email Insider

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1. What is this email about?2. Why should I care about it?3. What should I do about it?

1. What is this email about?2. Why should I care about it?3. What should I do about it?

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“Strive for a balance of copy and

imagery that gets the message across

without overwhelming the reader.”

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“Work towards a design that

guides recipients' eyes exactly

where they need to go.”

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Not a catch-all solution

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Your “Toolbox”

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Your “Toolbox”

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Old Me!a is the best way to promote

New Me!a.

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Think more like a publisher

(not a marketer)

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“Don’t chase the tools. Chase the goals.”


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Great online content is:

Brief ShareableUseful

Personal Fresh

Relevant to Your Goals

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1Know your role.

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When to use email?

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Event invites/remindersConfirmations


Process Updates

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Promote new (valuable)content

on your site

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2Get to the point.

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“We are a nation of email skimmers and scanners, looking for something relevant

while hovering over the delete button. Give your readers every opportunity to

hang in there until they find something they like.”

-- Ray Ulmer, TargetX

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Throw Shakespeare

out the window.

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Skip the introKeep it shortSay it once

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No blocks of textDesign to skimBold key words?

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Exercise: What’s the point

of this email?

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Make that your 1st sentence.

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“You’re invited to attend our Open House

on October 24th.”

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Which words can you delete?

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3Make the call.

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Call to action?!

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“Make sure your most crucial

information -- especially headlines and

calls-to-action -- is kept above the fold.

Remember that people often read just

headlines and CTAs.”

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“Use easy-to-find,

straightforward CTAs that tell

people exactly what will happen

when they click.”

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Set it offBoldLink


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4Inform your subjects.

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“Hook and label”Key words first

A/B test

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No spammy words DON’T SCREAM

Don’t repeat school nameDon’t merge first name

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“Don’t Miss Out”“Last Chance”

“We’re Waiting”“Check this out”

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“Open House Invitation”

“Take our campus visit survey”

“Missing transcript”

“Chat with us today”

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5Don’t trust the media;)

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Prospects (especially parents) often have images


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Proceed as if the images aren’t


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Does the message still make sense?

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Is it readable?

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6Easy on the html.

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Too much html :


Hurts deliverability

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Keep the focus on the call to


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We’re past the point of “html for its own sake”

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(Keep it simple stupid;)

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7Test. Test. Test.

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LinksMultiple Browsers

A/B SplitSubject Lines

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The best way to determine frequency

& timing

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Know your audience.

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“A lot of what can be counted doesn’t

count, and a lot of what counts

can’t be counted.” -Albert Einstein

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8No magic day or time.

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Have a plan.

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5/21 1st Email

5/27 Plain-text followup

6/9 2nd Email

6/16 Plain-text followup

6/16 Link and Instructions

6/19 “Day-of reminder”6/22 Link to video and slides

Date Message Audience

Did not view/interact

Did not view/interact




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The followup should be part

of the plan.

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How much is too much?

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What stage?WIIFM?

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9Court the ‘rents.

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Are you collecting

email addresses?

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Inquiry CardsApplication

Campus Visits/EventsWebsite

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Parent Content:

Address Cost Process

Personalize Notifications

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10Segment and personalize.

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ParentsGuidance Counselors

“Local”Alums (for Grad Schools)

Consider Plans For:

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Be a tease.

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Use the “P.S.”

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Summer Movies

Packing Lists for College

Advice from Recent Graduates

Favorite High School Memory/Teacher?

Favorite Book/Song/Band

Which dorm will you be in?

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Source: The Lawlor Group

"You just don't know for sure whether

students are coming until you see the

whites of their eyes and their butts in the


If we have a mantra for the summer, it's

"stay in touch with your prospects"

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Touch points don’t matter if you’re

not building relationships

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What will you do differently?

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Access this presentation:

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Kevin Corr, Director of Sales

Thank You!

NACCAP 2010 - Email Marketing for Admissions - [PDF Document] (2024)


How to improve DEI in higher education? ›

You can help improve faculty support for diversity in college by:
  1. Vetting prospective faculty for their commitment to DEI.
  2. Hosting faculty work groups where they can collaborate on DEI initiatives.
  3. Providing faculty education on how to support a diverse student body.

What are some strategies student affairs divisions should utilize to promote and foster diversity, equity, and inclusion? ›

How to Promote Diversity and Inclusion on College Campuses
  • Create a Diversity Council. ...
  • Make Diversity a Priority in the Curriculum. ...
  • Create Diversity in Leadership. ...
  • Ensure Diversity in Residence Halls and Student Housing. ...
  • Ensure Student Representation in Campus Organizations.

Why is racial diversity important in higher education? ›

It promotes personal growth-and a healthy society. Diversity challenges stereotyped preconceptions; it encourages critical thinking; and it helps students learn to communicate effectively with people of varied backgrounds. It strengthens communities and the workplace.

What is diversity and inclusion in higher education? ›

True diversity and inclusion must embrace all aspects of a person's identity, including: Religious identity and affiliation. Disability status, including mental health disabilities. Socioeconomic status, including those living in poverty, first-generation college attendees, and those living with housing insecurity.

What are examples of DEI programs in schools? ›


Mentoring or tutoring programs, staff care and support, student organizations, academic support, and financial counseling are a few examples.

What makes a successful DEI program? ›

Effective DEI programs span the entire organization—recruiting and retention, mentoring and professional development, as well as other practices, policies and procedures that can track and measure progress.

How to promote racial equity in education? ›

When discussions of race and racism become normalized, the promise of equity can be realized.
  1. Create a Welcoming Classroom and School. ...
  2. Root Out Biases and Barriers. ...
  3. Encourage Self-Expression. ...
  4. Be Open Yourself. ...
  5. Engage, Don't Avoid. ...
  6. Create Opportunities for Discussion. ...
  7. Talk About Racism and Racial Equity.

Which race goes to college the most? ›

In 2022, the college enrollment rate for 18- to 24-year-olds was higher for those who were Asian (61 percent) than for those of all other racial/ethnic groups: White (41 percent) Two or more races (36 percent) Black (36 percent)

Does racial diversity improve academic outcomes? ›

More diversity increases GPA at graduation; improves first year grades of females. Diversity affects the major choices of white students. Potential value of racial diversity in higher education and admissions policies.

How to increase diversity in college admissions? ›

Here are a few ways you can promote greater school diversity through your admissions and enrollment efforts:
  1. Talk about it. ...
  2. Select ambassadors from diverse backgrounds. ...
  3. Review your marketing. ...
  4. Focus on more diverse hiring practices. ...
  5. Encourage clubs. ...
  6. Ensure diversity within selection and retention committees.

What is diversity in easy words? ›

Definition. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “diversity” is defined as “the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.” [1].

What is the purpose of DEI in schools? ›

What is DEI? Diversity, equity, and inclusion work (often referred to as DEI) in independent schools seeks to help community members navigate differences and similarities so that everyone can realize their potential. Diversity refers to the full range of human differences within overarching similarities.

How can we achieve greater equality and inclusion? ›

Promoting equality and diversity in the workplace should involve creating a strategy that includes the following things:
  1. Putting equality policies in place.
  2. Identifying and preventing unconscious biases.
  3. Creating an inclusive culture for all staff members.
  4. Support staff and help them develop to their full potential.

What is the DEI initiative of higher education? ›

DEI at a higher education institution encompasses the policies and practices designed to ensure that every member of the institution (including students, faculty, and staff) have equal opportunities for success and inclusion, no matter their background.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.